Don’t believe everything you think

I was talking with a friend of mine who just started learning hypnotherapy. I told him my mother actually stopped smoking with hypnotherapy, and what they did is told her instead of having a cigarette, she would feel like having a glass of water. The next day she did not smoke, and not ever again. Amazing. He was not surprised. He said that is basic practice: you switch a habit for another. What he explained then, was that the thoughts and habits we have, are like paths in our brain. We get used to think something, or do something, and it becomes … Continue reading Don’t believe everything you think

Give energy if you want to get energized

It’s easy to get stuck in a circle, when you don’t feel like doing anything and the less you do, the less you feel like doing. Try to start one thing today. Maybe you are thinking about writing a book, learning something new, or maybe it’s something you have to do but that you don’t look forward to, like a homework, cleaning the studio, anything. Just start. One little step. Don’t aim for a full chapter by the end of the day. Just say you’ll write a line or two, lay out some ideas. Little steps. Promise yourself you will … Continue reading Give energy if you want to get energized

Finding your way // What do you want to be when you grow up?

Recently I quit my job. I was working as a designer in the advertising industry. I always had a huge creative side to me but I never thought I would end up in that field. It all went down so naturally. Not easily, but naturally. What I want to talk about today, is how sometimes, we end up not doing what we truly want to do. In fact, a lot of the time, doing what we truly want to do is harder, than doing something else. But why? – It seems like motivation does not come from passion only. Passion is not enough. Why … Continue reading Finding your way // What do you want to be when you grow up?

INFP tip #70

INFPs are one of the types who have the hardest time making decisions. We always see the good and the bad in every situation, and we always think of the “what if”s. It makes it really hard for us to make up our minds. And it’s scary, when you are not sure, and you have to make a choice. Two weeks ago I made the hardest decision of my life: I left my job to start working as a freelancer. I chose to leave something that was good, for an unknown situation, that could be better or worse. The most important … Continue reading INFP tip #70

INFP tip #69

INFPs primary mode is introverted feeling. That means: We are in our heads a lot. We have a tendency to overthink. To us every single thought generates 2 more. And we can get almost paralyzed by our thoughts. Creating invisible barriers and being unable to take action. We have to be careful about this, and push ourselves to take action. To live in the moment. Don’t wait to have all the answers before you make a move. Don’t create un-necessary barriers in your mind. The best way to know if you should do something is sometimes to simply do it, and see … Continue reading INFP tip #69

INFP tip #68

Focus less on what you think others think, and more on your own beliefs. Take time to define your personal values, what you believe in, who you are. You don’t know what others think. You don’t know until you ask them and even then in some cases you still don’t. That’s why you have to focus on you and not others. This is how you will get stability in your life. A sense of confidence, calm and focus. Continue reading INFP tip #68

INFP tip #67 :Managing emotions

Feelers and intuitives types can have a tendency to go in the extremes emotionally. Good news will make us feel like we are on top of the world, and we could start thousands of new projects, and do anything. Bad news will throw us down, make us start doubting every single thing about ourselves, make us feel like giving up everything, feeling lost and confused. It can start from a bad conversation with a friend, or a simple disagreement with sa colleague at work, and there we are, starting to question all of our life choices! We have very fertile … Continue reading INFP tip #67 :Managing emotions

INFP #66 : intuition and gut feelings

INFPs are naturally very connected with their feelings. Unfortunately over time we tend to slowly lose that connection because we have to adapt a lot to the exterior world. Society being built on the complete opposite type (ESTJ), we can slowly loose touch of our true desires, as we evolve and grow in a more materialistic, rational, exuberant, fast-paced world. We should always keep our true desires in mind. Listen to you heart. It’s very subtle but you really do know the answers deep inside. You can do the exercise of thinking of two possibilities and observing your inner feeling … Continue reading INFP #66 : intuition and gut feelings

INFP tip #65: Perfection is an illusion

INFPs are idealists. We have a clear mental image of what we could be, big goals, big dreams, big ideas. We can be very hard on ourselves because of this ideal image that’s always in our head. Life is made of highs and lows, and great accomplishments and big fails. And it’s normal. The problem with putting too much importance on your mistakes is letting it affect your self-esteem. You are not a failure because you forgot your friends birthday, because your project never got accepted, because you hit your toe on the table. What I really want you to … Continue reading INFP tip #65: Perfection is an illusion

INFP tip #64: It’s not you

Do not take things personal. Most of the time, it’s not about you. When someone is rude to you, it’s easy to let it affect you. Our first reaction will often be to think we did something wrong, or they don’t like us. The next time something like that happens, take a minute to observe how this person acts around other people. Chances are it’s just who they are. They would have reacted the same way if someone else was in your shoes. If you know you did nothing wrong, don’t waste energy thinking about what you could have done … Continue reading INFP tip #64: It’s not you

INFP tip #63: Your magic

INFPs are often misunderstood. Not only are we some of the rarer types, we are also very low profile most of the time so we don’t get noticed much. It makes it hard for others to really understand our way of thinking. And while we are adapting most of our life, the opposite rarely happens. This is why it’s is crucial to look for people who “get” you. People who really understand your magic. We are human, and we need to feel appreciated and understood. For so long I would try very hard to stick with the successful, outgoing, party people. I … Continue reading INFP tip #63: Your magic